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Vercel vs Netlify: Jamstack deployment & hosting solutions compared

Vercel and Netlify are both popular platforms used to deploy and host Jamstack websites. They connect to your git repository (both support GitHub, Gitlab and Bitbucket), and automatically deploy any changes you push to the repository.

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Eleventy - Our Key To Blazing Fast & Secure Websites

Eleventy is a static site generator that we use to build blazing-fast websites. Learn what a static site generator is, the benefits, and compare Eleventy to the alternatives.

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Basecamp – Our Productivity Weapon

This past weekend, I deleted our Slack channel. I also deleted our Notion account, a tool we used to organise much of our business. Basecamp has replaced both of these.

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Why Email is an Inefficient Project Management Tool

Vastly reducing the amount of external and internal email communication in our business led to increased productivity, and is hence one of the best decisions we have ever made. In this article we’ll explain why this is, and what we replaced email with – Basecamp.

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How To Use Basecamp

Basecamp is a communication & project tool that we use to work on all of our projects with all of our clients. It saves a lot of time, hassle, and headaches that are caused by trying to work over email.

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Why We Have No Phone Number

We decided not to have a company phone number because we prefer to use other forms of contact that don't interrupt our focus while working, and save time for our clients.

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